Thursday, April 5, 2012


As I'm planning my wedding, I'm still trying to put together a guest list for the wedding. As I pour over the list because I'm trying to keep it small, I'm seeing names of friends from all walks of life.

:: There are friends that I met through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship that you could say I 'grew up' with while I was in college and was trying to find myself.
:: I see friends that I've had through college and friends that I met through friends while I was in college that I barely talk to but I would trust with all my heart. Sometimes I wish I could see them more more.
:: I see friends that I met through Elmbrook and I'm still close with that didn't know who I was even 5 years ago and know me for my laugh and the camera that is always permanently attached to my hand
:: friends that I have met through my fiancee only in the last several years and crack me up

Where do I draw the line of who to cut off the list and who to keep? Who do I just invite to the reception and who do I invite to for the whole thing?

Decisions Decisions!